The time is 7:08 AM on Thanksgiving morning 2019. I had hoped to get up much earlier for a quiet, serene morning in which to write but I did’t get out of bed until 6:00 AM. As soon as I sat down to write this post my son walked into the living room and has…… Continue reading Thanksgiving 2019
Author: Mateo de Colón
Global Citizen! こんにちは!僕の名前はマットです. Es decir soy Mateo. Aussi, je m'appelle Mathieu. Likes: Languages, Cultures, Computers, History, being Alive! \(^.^)/
Journal Entry – 11.26.19
It is 10:19 AM on Tuesday November 26th, 2019. This is the Thanksgiving holiday week and in my line of work a slow time. Nobody wants to work this week and I certainly don’t want to cause any work for my customers. I only receive about two or three e-mails I need to take action…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 11.26.19
Journal Entry 11.19.19
It is 12:35 PM on Tuesday November 19th, 2019. The weather is overcast with gray clouds, the temperature a cool 62 degrees and a strong wind blows through the trees. It is this type of weather that lets me know we are in autumn. There are a number of thoughts running through my head so…… Continue reading Journal Entry 11.19.19
The Tale of Genji – Genjimonogatari
I first read the Tale of Genji when I was studying in Japan around 2002. It is Japan’s most famous work and was written a millennia ago. I find that one can gain a much deeper understanding of a culture by reading these famous works written long ago. Within them are ancient pieces of DNA…… Continue reading The Tale of Genji – Genjimonogatari
At 42 years of age my understanding of authority has evolved and I wanted to get these thoughts down. When you’re a kid there are people you just have to obey without question. This would include: your parents, teachers, priests, adults and now that I think about it, just about everyone except other kids. We…… Continue reading Authority!
Journal Entry – 10.22.19
It is 4:57 AM on Tuesday October 22nd. When I wake up this early I take a moment to look up at the stars. Orion is prominent in the autumn night sky and I can clearly make out his belt as well as the surrounding stars. It is only in that patch of sky that…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 10.22.19
Journal Entry 10.13.2019
It is 5:48 AM on Sunday October 13th, 2019. The moon hangs high above the trees partly obscured by a few passing clouds. The temperature is a cool 49 degrees. This is perfect weather for October, Halloween and the start of the holiday season. This year I was slow in taking the time to contemplate…… Continue reading Journal Entry 10.13.2019
Journal Entry 10.11.19
It is noontime on Friday October 10th, 2019. The morning has been especially reminiscent of autumn with a crisp, cool breeze blowing through the trees and a clearness of the blue ocean which is often obscured by fog in the summer. The leaves do not change colors much here on the coast, and it is…… Continue reading Journal Entry 10.11.19