It is 6:16 AM on Christmas Day 2019. My son woke up a little before 5:00 AM and then woke me up after. This is the tough part for little guys as we have to wait until the rest of the family wakes up to open the presents. He has contented himself with watching his…… Continue reading Christmas Day 2019
Author: Mateo de Colón
Global Citizen! こんにちは!僕の名前はマットです. Es decir soy Mateo. Aussi, je m'appelle Mathieu. Likes: Languages, Cultures, Computers, History, being Alive! \(^.^)/
Christmas Eve 2019
It is 5:59 AM on Christmas Eve. I woke up around 4, made the coffee, put away the dishes, fought with my computer and put the NORAD Santa Tracker on the T.V. I say fought with my computer because it is old and now the monitor sometimes does not get signal from the computer. I’ve…… Continue reading Christmas Eve 2019
Journal Entry 12.23.19
It is 6:29 AM on Monday, December 23rd. This is the best week of the year the days before and after Christmas are for the most part free of work, school and activities. It is the one time of year where I can relax just a little bit without the constant grind of schedule. At…… Continue reading Journal Entry 12.23.19
Smart Home Networking
*Note. This post started out as a regular journal entry but then ended up a home networking post. The time is 6:09 AM on Saturday December 21st, 2019. I always wake up early, usually around 3:30, 4:00 AM. When I do the decision has to be made if I should actually get out of bed…… Continue reading Smart Home Networking
Journal Entry 12.13.19
It is 10:49 AM on Friday December 13th, 2019. I finally have time to take a breath as the past two weeks have been a complete blur of work and events. Last week was our national sales meeting and holiday party in Texas. Including travel time that takes up a big 4 day chunk and…… Continue reading Journal Entry 12.13.19
Quotes – A man who is empty on the inside must decorate himself on the outside.
A man who is empty on the inside must decorate himself on the outside. Bruce Lee
Google Home
I’ve always enjoyed technology and have often been a first adopter before new tech really goes mainstream. As I’ve gotten older my enthusiasm for always learning new things has waned a bit. I think this is because I have so much more technology in my life and technology is improving and changing at such a…… Continue reading Google Home
Journal Entry – The Monday after Thanksgiving Weekend
It is the Monday after the long Thanksgiving weekend. It is a time when most people have four straight days off. For me, I always have images of it being a very relaxing time where I can just sit on the couch, read, play games with the boys and consume various media. However, my image…… Continue reading Journal Entry – The Monday after Thanksgiving Weekend