Computer Issues

I’ve lost count of all the computer issues I’ve had over the past three decades. They tend to pop up every two years or so, mostly due to the relentless assault of updates and upgrades. When computers break most people just lost all their data then went out and bought a new computer. The cloud…… Continue reading Computer Issues

Journal Entry – 11.15.20

It is 6:52 AM on Sunday November 15th, 2020. It finally feels like the fall in Pacifica. Here on the coast we don’t have the type of foliage that change to beautiful reds, oranges and yellows signifying the arrival of Autumn. No, we have short scrub brush, Monterey pines and Eucalyptus trees. Our weather also…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 11.15.20

Election Day 2020

Today is November 3rd, which is election day here in the USA. I wanted to get a post in to mark this momentous day. Today decides if the USA will continue down a very dark path under President Trump or if the USA will recover. For any thinking person one simply need read some of…… Continue reading Election Day 2020