High Times

I received a mailer today from a company called Amuse – Cannabis delivered to your door. Hey kids look, drug delivery! In college I argued for the legalization of marijuana. My reasoning was that the only reason it is illegal is because the pharmaceutical companies do not want the competition. I still feel this way…… Continue reading High Times

Quotes – When the truth offends, we lie and lie,…

When the truth offends, we lie and lie, until we can no longer remember it is ever there. But it is still there. Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt is paid.Valery Legasof – Chernobyl

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GME, AMC Stockmarket Adventure

(Originally posted on January 29th. Updated on 4.10.21 – Updates after original post) Yesterday, January 28th is one that will go down in history and the history making will continue for a while. In short, the internet just discovered that by banding together common individuals can beat evil Wall Street hedge funds at their own…… Continue reading GME, AMC Stockmarket Adventure

The Pocket Stoic

I learned of stoicism after being introduced to Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations which I read and posted quotes about back in 2017. I am still fascinated by this wonderful philosophy and am amazed that the ancients seem so much more enlightened 2000 years ago than we are today. The masses today are taught how to think…… Continue reading The Pocket Stoic

The Spanish West – Time Life Books

The more I travel and learn the more I realize people of every nation do not know their own history. It is not necessarily their own fault but that of the elementary and secondary schools which teach a ‘happy’ and patriotic version while diminishing or completely ignoring anything which could paint the country in a…… Continue reading The Spanish West – Time Life Books

Two favorite financial quotes

An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn’t happen today.Laurence J. Peter The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.Wareen Buffet

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