One people, one planet

Not only have we failed to realize we are one people, we have forgotten that we have only one planetJacques Cousteau

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Two Reddit posts that made me physically laugh out loud

The first was in r/jokes: Yo Mama’s so ugly, when she plays Mortal Combat Scorpion says “Stay over there!”u/merio67 The second I found tonight and for only the second time this year, LOL’d Someone made a cake of Andúril and the comment was: In your stomach shall it be reforged”u/DraphicGesigner And The cake…… Continue reading Two Reddit posts that made me physically laugh out loud

Trip to Ohio

My family returned to Japan this summer to visit Baba. It was long overdue since we couldn’t go last year due to COVID, and me, being the only one who doesn’t hold a passport am not allowed in this year either. That means I’m a free man all summer. It suddenly dawned on me a…… Continue reading Trip to Ohio