Journal Entry – 7.14.2018

It is 6:55 PM on Saturday, July 14th.  We’re in the fog again and it is quiet outside with only a rare bird call.  I find myself writing in my journal much more than before but it is not simply due to increased free time but rather I do not really have much to do.

Today I woke up and finished my post about Montaillou.  From there I went to karate and then to my 2nd cousin Collette’s going away party.  She and her family are moving to Austin.  I had thought to go to Archimedes Banya but the day was getting late and the postmaster had delivered something which I didn’t want stolen off my doorstep so I came home.  I took a shower, ordered Go Sushi and then watched three consecutive episodes of Game of Thrones.  And that’s it!  It is hard to believe that with so much free time I have no motivation to do anything in particular but watch GoT.

Tomorrow however I resolve to be more productive and will first workout, then vacuum, apply wood protectant to the cabinets and then finish with gardening.  Very exciting isn’t it?  If I get this all done in a reasonable amount of time I think I’ll also organize some papers in my office.  Again, another very exciting day.  Perhaps I’ll also try to make it to the banya if there is time but it all depends on my mood.

It is strange to me that I have absolutely no desire to go out.  Having watched so much of my show my mind begs for some other activity and so perhaps I’ll venture into virtual reality.  It is very interesting but my phone heats up quickly and needs to cool down after only 10 minutes.  I really do need a new phone since it has become sluggish, especially with all of the work applications I’ve put on it.  I’m not sure if I can hold out until the beginning of next year for the new Samsung.

In the past I had considered getting a foldable Motorla since it reminds me of my beloved RAZR but I’ve become accustomed to Samsung and am now dependent on many of its features.  They are currently offering a two for one deal but they require it in the form of credits on a 24 month billing cycle.  I really do not want to increase my cell phone bill at this time, especially since it was previously increased buying three iPhone Xs for my wife and parents.  Here I am, the one who has the most use for an advanced phone but mine is the least.  It does feel good to take care of my wife and parents however since cell phones are one thing I know a lot about.

And there you have it.  My life is not very exciting at the moment and nor should it be.  I do need the downtime and am surely getting it at the moment.

Categorized as Journal

By Mateo de Colón

Global Citizen! こんにちは!僕の名前はマットです. Es decir soy Mateo. Aussi, je m'appelle Mathieu. Likes: Languages, Cultures, Computers, History, being Alive! \(^.^)/