Journal Entry – 6.28.17

The time is 6:38 AM on Wednesday, June 28th, 2017.  I’ve been a bachelor for nine days.  In having my normal routine, schedule and life completely changed I’ve noticed a few things.

I’m more tired and sleeping later than I do when the family is here.  I find myself falling asleep about 9:30 but do not wake up until six when I usually wake up around 4.  I have a lot of free time but rotate between being extremely active and extremely lethargic.

There is one variable thrown into the mix which might account for the being tired.  I’m losing weight and a lot of it.  I’m working out much more and have changed my eating habits.  I drink a shot of wheat grass to start the day, then follow that up a bit later with fruit and vegetable juice.  Lunch is lite with either just a salad or sandwich and then something a little more interesting for dinner but also not as heavy as before.  I’m currently averaging 182 but hit 180 after a long hike.

I also miss my family very much.  I was looking forward to my alone time and need to make an effort to change my mindset and not waste it instead of just being lonely!  I had this time planned out in my head but when your entire routine changes and the time arrives I find that my mindset has also changed.

So what am I doing with my time?

Monday the 19th – Had beer with Brandon and Peter at Devil’s Slide Taproom

Tuesday the 20th – Cleaned the fish tanks and went to Moss Beach Distillery and Barbara’s Fishtrap with Will

Wednesday the 21st – Cleaned the cars, did gardening and had a few drinks for the summer solstice  with Brandon and Peter.  Ordered Go Sushi for dinner.

Thursday the 22nd – Finished watching The Untold History of the United States on Netflix.

Friday the 23rd – Hiked up Montara Mountain with Brandon.

Saturday the 24th – Read my Lapham’s Quarterly, played World of Warcraft and then went to Buffalo Wild Wings with Brandon and Peter for dinner

Sunday the 25th – Worked out, read, took a nap and started to remove the caulking from the bathroom.

Monday the 26th– In the morning I re-caulked the bathroom and cleaned the house.

Tuesday the 27th – Leg workout, read and play World of Warcraft

It does look like I’ve gotten quite a few more things done now that I’ve written it down than I previously thought.  It is good to get all my chores done in the beginning because time seems to go more quickly (and I get more lazy) the longer I’m alone.

One activity that has taken up more time than I had thought is Warcraft.  It has been such a long time since I’ve played that game I thought I’d also use this opportunity to get my character caught up in Legion.  The game really does suck you in and when the family is back I will quit yet again.

Today I’ll be getting all my work stuff done that needs to be done when the holidays come around and all my customers are taking vacations.  That is the last box I really need to check before the 4th of July and summer gets into full swing.  This second half of the week I’d also like to get a lot of reading done with my Lapham’s Quarterly and maybe take a trip to Archimedes Banya.  If time permits I might also dig through my treasure chest and ensure I’ve got everything archived in the computer.  I’ll also be getting a few more workouts in.

Time does go quickly when you keep yourself busy and this alone time really is going faster than I had imagined.

By Mateo de Colón

Global Citizen! こんにちは!僕の名前はマットです. Es decir soy Mateo. Aussi, je m'appelle Mathieu. Likes: Languages, Cultures, Computers, History, being Alive! \(^.^)/