Perigee Super Moon 2016: the Moon hasn’t been this close to the Earth since January 6th, 1948 and won’t be again until November 25th, 2034.
*Reminder to look back at this post in 2034 and remind myself of what my life was on 11/13/2016. I’ll be 57.
I wonder what my grandparents were doing on that date? World War II had recently ended and so Grandpa would have been back for just over two years. He also didn’t graduate until 1948 and so it is possible he was studying for tests!
I imagine the weather would have been cold with some snow on the ground. I looked it up but it seems the official weather station did not report records for that time. Since it was cold, Ohio State would have had classes and so much information wasn’t constantly in our face as it is today, I imagine my grandparents didn’t pay any attention to the Super Moon. In fact it probably wasn’t even newsworthy as the term Super Moon didn’t appear until 1979.
Looking at the moon this morning I think about how much has changed on planet Earth since 1948. So many momentous events and yet the Moon remains relatively unchanged looking down at us humans scurrying about like a bunch of frenzied ants. We even sent a few people up to the moon to give it a closer inspection which I’m sure it found annoying.
And so, when I stood watching the moon set over the Pacific Ocean from my patio this morning, I thought about the passage of time, of my Grandparents and how beautiful it is to be alive.
This quote sums up my current philosophy regarding my life:
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.